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latest neuroscience based & artificial intelligence based products 

I. COMMERCIAL USE: Develop latest neuroscience based & artificial intelligence based products to help enhance accuracy & precision for all major business sectors

including education, entertainment, branding, marketing and political


II. DOMESTIC USE: Develop latest neuroscience based & artificial intelligence based personal robots to help enhance brain functions & help with treatment of psychiatric

disorders among kids and adults.


III. BRAIN BLUE PRINT: Develop neuroscience based first ever human brain data base on seven dimensions. This will be first ever largest most comprehensive blue print of human brain on individuals, communities, cities, & countries.

IV. ON DEMAND HUMAN BRAIN BLUE PRINT: This will be exclusive neuroscience service to clients that want us to develop human brain blue print based on there needs & goals. This will be first ever on demand unique service that will help all sector of businesses including government. to help them achieve their goals.

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